Salon Online Booking Appointment System
Salon Booking System is a complete and easy to use, appointments scheduling system.
It helps your business get more reservations on your website, saving you tons of hours with your agenda management tasks.
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Salon Booking System has been effectively used by
- Hairdressers
- Barbers shops
- Beauty salons
- Spas
- Health care center

Email notifications
- Email notifications on new reservation
- Email notification to selected assistant
- Email reminder for the customers
- Email followup
- Email review notification
- Email notification custom logo
- Custom email message to the customers
- Email message to invite users to leave a review on website or on a custom platform ( Google My Business, Facebook, other.. )
SMS notification
- Customisable SMS notification on new reservation
- SMS notification to selected assistant
- SMS reminder for the customers
- SMS followup
- SMS verification code against spam
- SMS Alphanumeric ID supported
- set you favourite date and time format
- set when your week starts

Backend Calendar
- Monthly view
- Weekly view
- Daily view
- Assistant view
- Bookings export
- Adding/Edit reservations from daily view
- Block out time slots from daily view

Payment Options
- Enable online payments
- Pay later option
- Percentage or fixed amount deposit
- Automatic cancellation option for unpaid reservations
- Leave a Tip
- Hide prices
- Custom payment methods supported

Log-in options
- Enable guest checkout
- Force guest checkout
- Limit the number of services bookable at the same time
- Control form fields
- Log-in with Facebook account
- Enable Advanced Discount System
- Custom fields for check-out form
Hire a Trusted Expert
Not sure where to start, or need help taking your site to the next level?

Google Calendar synchronization
- Synchronizes reservations on salon administrator’s Google Calendar account
- Salon admin can add and cancel reservations from his Google Calendar account

Assistants settings
- Multiple weekly timetable rules
- Multiple holidays rules
- Limit reservations to specific services
- Multiple reservations for the same slot for classrooms booking
- Google Calendar synchronisation
- SMS notification when he’s booked
- Email notification when he’s booked
Services settings
- Price
- Duration
- Unit per session
- Category grouping
- Multiple weekly timetable rules
- No assistant required option
- Service break ( now you can select up to 3 hours divided in multiples of your average session duration )
- Conditional “Secondary services”
- Direct booking link
- Exclusive service
- Hide service on front-end

- Maximize salon success: real-time stats on reservations, revenues, services, assistants, and weekly email reports. Boost efficiency, grow profits.

Salon Online Booking Appointment System
900.0 BHDAdd to basket