
Photographer booking website system

it’s time to replace your outdated booking system with a new one! set back and relax and let the website get the job done.

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Photographer Booking website has been effectively used by:

    • Photographer
    • Sound Engineer
    •  Consultant

Email notifications

  • Email notifications on new reservation
  • Email notification to selected assistant
  • Email reminder for the customers
  • Email followup
  • Email review notification
  • Email notification custom logo
  • Custom email message to the customers
  • Email message to invite users to leave a review on website or on a custom platform ( Google My Business, Facebook, other.. )

Services settings

  • Price
  • Duration
  • Unit per session
  • Category grouping
  • Multiple weekly timetable rules
  • No assistant required option
  • Service break ( now you can select up to 3 hours divided in multiples of your average session duration )
  • Conditional “Secondary services”
  • Direct booking link
  • Exclusive service
  • Hide service on front-end

Google Calendar synchronization

Synchronizes reservations on the photographer administrator’s Google Calendar account.

Photographers admin can add and cancel reservations from his Google Calendar account

Backend Calendar

  • Monthly view
  • Weekly view
  • Daily view
  • Assistant view
  • Bookings export
  • Adding/Edit reservations from daily view
  • Block out time slots from daily view

Check-out options

  • Enable guest checkout
  • Force guest checkout
  • Limit the number of services bookable at the same time
  • Control form fields
  • Log-in with Facebook account
  • Enable Advanced Discount System
  • Custom fields for check-out form

Hire a Trusted Expert

Not sure where to start, or need help taking your site to the next level?

Ayman Janahi Green circle

Accept Direct online Payment

  • Enable online payments
  • Pay later option
  • Percentage or fixed amount deposit
  • Automatic cancellation option for unpaid reservations

Reservations and Revenues Reports

  • Stats on reservations and revenues
  • Stats on reservations and revenues by services
  • Stats on reservations and revenues by assistant
  • Stats on reservations and revenues by customers
  • Email weekly report

Photographer booking website system

900 BHDAdd to basket